Therapeutic Services for Aftercare
Aftercare Services
Young people who are care-experienced have often experienced early trauma and adversities, and ruptures in their attachment and relationships. This period of late adolescence to early adulthood is now considered a unique phase of neurological and psychosocial development. Yet, many care-experienced young people may not have experienced optimum caregiving circumstances in their lifetime, to set them up for success in this unique and challenging phase. There can be an expectation of ‘accelerated adulthood’ for young people leaving care, without recognition of this cohort’s developmental and psychosocial needs.
“This support includes both individual therapeutic support and wrap-around systemic support for aftercare services”
For young people leaving care, a well-planned and supported transition phase starting before 18 years and continuing into the early twenties, is important for their emotional wellbeing, relationships, and practical daily living skills. At Treehouse Practice we also recognise the importance of understanding the unique strengths and needs of each individual leaving care and to meet the young person where they are at socially, emotionally, practically, or otherwise.
How does Treehouse Practice support young people leaving care?
- By holding the young person at the centre of the thinking and decision-making about their journey transitioning out of care, by listening to their wishes, respecting their views, and advocating for their support needs.
- By providing therapeutic support to young people transitioning out of care up to 25 years of age, to understand and nurture their emotional and relational needs in terms of their relationship with self, with others and the world.
- Through collaboratively working with the young person, their wider support network (e.g. birth and/or foster family, keyworker, aftercare team, etc.), and the professional system (e.g. Tusla, HSE).
- By providing support and training to teams working with young people in aftercare and supported living services.
- Through ensuring that the system is working through a trauma-sensitive and relationally-informed framework.
To make an enquiry, please email
Information and referral forms can be downloaded here.